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Richmond, Melbourne, Victoria

Price: $$$$ - $$$$
Mediterranean, European
It's perfect for
date night or dinner and drinks with friends
You need to
date night or dinner and drinks with friends
Look out for
Happy Hour Tuesday-Friday from 4:30-6:00pm


Waygood is just 10 minutes from Melbourne's CBD in Richmond, a suburb known for its eateries, pubs and shopping. Call in for a drink, or stay on for a meal in this friendly laid back, art deco and rustic neighbourhood restaurant previously known as Saint Urban. The menu changes weekly and locally farmed produce can be matched with wines from a list of over 80 bottles, some discounted. Pick up a bottle from the bottle shop to take home, if you can tear yourself away from the tempting menu..


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Fully Licensed (no BYO)

Cuisines Mediterranean, European

Price Mains $20 - $30, Mains $30 - $40

Type Restaurant, Bar